Lora E. Fleming

Chair of Oceans, Epidemiology and Health; University of ExeterProfile URL


Research Article

Nature contact and general health: Testing multiple serial mediation pathways with data from adults in 18 countries

| Environment International | Volume 178 (August 2023): 108077

Research Article

Urban green space and mental health among people living alone: The mediating roles of relational and collective restoration in an 18-country sample

| Environmental Research | Volume 232: 116324

Research Article

Keywords are missing: Insights from the publication keywords, abstracts and titles of an environment and human health research group

| Equity in Education & Society | Volume 2, Issue 1

Research Article

Applying an ecosystem services framework on nature and mental health to recreational blue space visits across 18 countries

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 2209

Research Article

Mechanisms underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: An 18-country analysis

| Journal of Environmental Psychology | Volume 84: 101876

Research Article

Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 8903

Research Article

Results from an 18 country cross-sectional study examining experiences of nature for people with common mental health disorders

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 19408

Research Article

Research Note: Residential distance and recreational visits to coastal and inland blue spaces in eighteen countries

| Landscape and Urban Planning | Volume 198 (June 2020): 103800

Research Article

Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 7730