
Richmond Cycling Corps

13 South 15th Street Richmond, VA 23219

Active since 2010


Richmond Cycling Corps is changing the lives of youth who live in Richmond's public housing projects through cycling, education, and mentorship. While cycling is the main vehicle for programming, the heart of our organization is serving disadvantaged youth who live in generational poverty. 

Categories ProgramChildren & YouthBIPOC

Program Details

Our mission is to educate and empower the lives of Richmond youth living in the heart of the East End by constantly pivoting towards relevant outreach.

Richmond Cycling Corps (RCC) was founded in 2010 by Craig Dodson, who saw an immediate need to provide outreach, mentorship, and enrichment to disadvantaged youth living in the public housing projects in Richmond’s East End. He recognized that at-risk youth rarely sign up for outreach programs, and that cycling was an excellent vehicle for interaction. He leaned on his past experience as a professional cyclist to develop programs that provided access to cycling activities for youth living in poverty. Cycling also provided physical activity and time outdoors—both of which have been shown to improve physical and mental health. 

Another component of the program is mentorship. We built a strong relationship of trust and support with teens interested in cycling through daily interactions. The youth that RCC works with need help navigating a myriad of life situations, including employment, education, and relationships with peers and adults. Youth can learn to maintain and repair their bicycles through our program. This teaches valuable skills that put young people in charge of their own transportation for work, shopping, and daily travel.

In 2016, RCC launched a bike rental project called The Kickstand on the Virginia Capital Trail, a 52-mile long paved greenway that runs from Williamsburg to Richmond. The Kickstand directly increases the utilization of the Virginia Capital Trail by providing affordable bike rentals to the community. In 2021, we had over 240 cyclists rent bikes from The Kickstand to ride on the Capital Trail. In 2023, those numbers continued to grow and have nearly doubled in 2024. The Kickstand provides employment opportunities for BIPOC youth in underserved communities. In a typical year, we have over 450 hours of paid employment, resulting in nearly $7,000 in wages for RCC’s youth. Employees of The Kickstand are all youth who either still live or once lived in the public housing neighborhoods of the East End. 

Providing consistent service and mentorship for our youth is paramount for our organization. Our relationships have been built by showing up for our youth every day, exercising clear boundaries, and working through conflict. The road is always rough for youth who grow up in an environment with resource and food insecurity. This is why we focus on providing support in Richmond’s East End, where violent crime rates are high and there is easy access to drugs and firearms. It is imperative that we meet youth on their level and in their vulnerable spaces: their homes. 

Services Offered
A typical day at RCC headquarters involves a broad mix of activities: recreational cycling programs for youths ages 11-18; development and implementation of training plans for youths’ fitness goals; training rides for the RCC cycling team; health discussions; assistance with resume writing and job applications; tutoring; transportation; and connection to healthcare services. Our mentors also provide advice and guidance to help the youth in our program learn better problem-solving skills. To say that Richmond Cycling Corps is simply a cycling program barely scratches the surface of the work we do and the ways in which we connect the youth in our program to possibilities for a better future. Cycling is a great vehicle to connect with youth in Richmond’s East End. After they join RCC, we can connect them to the network of professional resources we have established over a decade of working in underserved communities. 

Contact Emily Monroe, Director of Development (804) 334-4670 Website

Populations Served
We serve primarily Black, low-income youth living in public housing in Richmond, Virginia. The housing projects of Fairfield Court, Whitcomb, Mosby Court, and Creighton Court have created a dramatic level of concentrated poverty in the East End. Richmond in particular has the 6th highest concentration of poverty in all of America. The median household income in this area is $45,117 while the census tracts that encompass Fairfield Court, Mosby Court, and Creighton Court have a median household income ranging from $11,625 to $15,126. These are the neighborhoods where we spend the majority of our time building relationships with the children and families growing up there. 

Staff Composition
Our staff is composed of two full-time employees, an Executive Director, and a Director of Development. Additionally, we have two part-time employees who handle The Kickstand operations and program coordination.

Cost to Participate
There is no cost to participate in any of Richmond Cycling Corps’s programs.

Richmond Cycling Corps in the Media

Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Richmond Cycling Corps | SHIMANO

Monte: Can’t stop. Won’t stop | Patagonia Films

Recent Case Studies

Four sticks are bound together by twine, creating a frame around pink-colored leaves and pink paper hearts that say “I LOVE YOU MOM” in a child’s handwriting.


Bearfoot Occupational Therapy

Bearfoot Occupational Therapy provides nature-based pediatric occupational therapy that combines expert guidance with transformational sessions to unlock the best version of a child's most authentic self. 

A large group of participants line up for a photo at the edge of a hill. They are all dressed in biking gear and have their arms thrown up in the air as a sign of triumph; some also have bikes by their sides. The background is a beautiful shot of a vast canyon, with rolling green hills that disappear far into the horizon. The clear sky overhead is lit up by a bright sun.


The Cycle Effect - Building Belonging on Bikes

The Cycle Effect uses mountain biking as a catalyst to mentor riders and foster belonging, physical wellbeing, mental health, community engagement, leadership skills, and fun outside. The Cycle Effect provides bikes, gear, transportation, bilingual coaching, and low-cost programming to eliminate barriers to entry for an otherwise exclusive sport.

A young child is sitting on top of a horse with the support of three women. One woman is holding the reins, smiling warmly at the camera. The other two women stand beside the horse, helping the child in the saddle. The horse is brown with a white stripe down its muzzle.


Iron Horse Therapeutic Farm

Iron Horse Therapeutic Farm is a multidimensional ADA accessible farm in Northern Colorado designed to provide excellence in occupational therapy and music therapy to children and adults with disabilities. We currently offer occupational therapy utilizing equine movement, farm-based therapy, and adaptive gardening with the opportunity to provide co-treatments with music therapy.