Treeline, an innovative occupational therapy practice brings immersive forest play and outdoor therapy to children and their families. The Treeline approach:
- honors the unique strengths and skills of all children
- emphasizes the trust and sense of safety kids need to learn
- keeps play at the core of all programs and services
Program Details
Treeline is rooted in the fact that nature offers countless opportunities for children to develop physical skills, adapt to change, and process emotions. We don’t just work and play IN the forest, at Treeline we see the forest as our active partner in promoting childhood development and wellness. Treeline exists as an important way to bring immersive forest play and outdoor therapy to children and their families.
At Treeline, families find a unique continuum of programs and services to support their children’s needs, outdoors! Forest play programs are for all children and support global child development. Outdoor occupational therapy services are offered for children with identified goals to support individualized skills and capacities. The Treeline approach:
- honors the unique strengths and skills of all children,
- emphasizes the trust and sense of safety kids need to learn and
- keeps play at the core of all programs and services.
Business team
Owner and part time administrator
Occupational therapy team
2 part time therapists
Forest play team
2 part time forest play providers plus a team of 3-5 part time or volunteer play guides that support programs.
Scenes from Treeline Enrichment
Cost to Participate
Outdoor occupational therapy services: $140 per individual session hour or $60 per group session hour. We accept the Florida Family Empowerment Scholarship. Forest Play Enrichment programs fees vary but average about $12.50 per program hour.
Contact Angela Rosenburg, Owner info@treelineenrichment.com 863-271-4519 Website
Recent Case Studies

Bearfoot Occupational Therapy

The Cycle Effect - Building Belonging on Bikes