Sites To Systems: Nearby Nature for Human Health
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Nearly forty years of research confirms that contact with nearby nature is profoundly important for human health and wellness. From the earliest hours to the final days of our lives, studies show a surprising range of health benefits across the human life cycle. Examples include better child development, better work performance, faster healing in hospitals, and increased social capital in communities.
Given the evidence, agencies and organizations are working to create more greenspace in cities. Yet in some communities there is little land available for parks, or it is prohibitively expensive for public purchase. A growing trend is to think about all lands as potential greenspace using a co-design for co-benefits approach. Of course there should be large parks and open spaces, but even the smallest bit of nature can benefit people. For instance, bioswales and green streets are being installed to improve stormwater management; such spaces can also be designed to serve as micro-parks that offer respite and delight.