Kathleen L. Wolf

Kathleen L. Wolf

Social Scientist, Retired/Affiliate, University of WashingtonProfile URL

My research, based on the principles and methods of environmental psychology, has explored public preference, perception, and behavior concerning urban forestry and green infrastructure. Recent work has turned to a focus on human health and wellness. I also work to translate evidence about nature benefits to local government policy and planning. I've enjoyed doing this work for decades and appreciated the invitations to share knowledge across the United States, as well as at events in Australia, Japan, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Canada, England, Scotland, Hong Kong/China, Sweden, Norway, and Russia.



Place Attachment and Meaning: Nurturing Nature Relationships

Research Article

Physical activity and social interaction assessments in schoolyard settings using the System for Observing Outdoor Play Environments in Neighborhood Schools (SOOPEN)

| International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | Volume 20 (2023)

Research Article

Urban Trees and Human Health: A Scoping Review

| International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Volume 17, Issue 11: 4371

Research Article

Greening Blocks: A Conceptual Typology of Practical Design Interventions to Integrate Health and Climate Resilience Co-Benefits

| International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Volume 16, Issue 21: 4241


Riquezas de la Naturaleza: Los beneficios económicos y en la salud de vivir de cerca de la naturaleza.


Cascading Benefits: Designing Green Stormwater Infrastructure for Human Wellness


Nearby nature—A cost-effective prescription for better community health?

Research Article

Nature Contact and Human Health: A Research Agenda

| Environmental Health Perspectives | Volume 125, Issue 7 (July 2017): 075001


Nature’s Riches: The Health and Financial Benefits of Nearby Nature


Outside our Doors: the benefits of cities where people and nature thrive


Sites To Systems: Nearby Nature for Human Health


The Benefits of Nearby Nature in Cities for Older Adults


The Sacred and Nearby Nature in Cities

Research Article

Metro Nature, Environmental Health, and Economic Value

| Environmental Health Perspectives | Volume 123, Issue 5: 390-398


Environmental equality: Providing nearby nature for everyone


Reflect & restore: Urban green space for mental wellness


Feeling stressed? Take a time out in nature